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Help our youth
reach their biggest
possible futures.

Stand with us.

mentorship through

Through the collaboration of donors, community partners, and staff, we aim to defend, ignite and inspire the potential within our youth, clearing the pathways to their best possible futures. Your support truly makes a difference!


Dream Builders *
$55/Month for 12 Months

Golden Compass Champions
$550 or more

Name or logo presented in promotional materials

Featured on the "Dream Wall"

Personalized "thank you" from the Little Dreamers

 Invitation to the Exclusive "Dream Builders" gathering

Prominent placement of name as a "Golden Compass Champion at BBBSCA Office
Exclusive access to the "Champion's Circle" networking event 
Recognition as a vital navigator in our mission

Thank you video from the youth whose lives you're changing

Platinum Pathfinders*

Recognition as a "Platinum Pathfinder" and display at BBBSCA office. 
Company's logo on all event materials and BBBSCA website
10 tickets to the BIG Luncheon (April 2024) 

BBBSCA Newsletter Advertisement 

For more information, please contact
Kristin Koenigsfest 501.374.6661

* Golden and Platinum Sponsorship opportunities can be customized upon request. Limited to Sponsors at the Platinum and Gold levels. All other Sponsorship levels are NOT limited to one sponsor.


Empowering Potential with Big-time Results


of Littles improved or maintained their scholastic competence.


of Littles improved or maintained their educational expectations.


of Littles improved or maintained parental trust.


My Big brother loves to do the same things I like to do.

-Mycah (Little)


I couldn't ask for a better little brother, he is perfect.

-Christian (Big)


1501 S. Main St STE 500

Little Rock, AR 72202





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©2024 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas

Designed and Maintained by: Group Five West, Inc.

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